Recent Life

Well, I managed to survive the move to Idaho, my first Christmas away from family, and my first semester of Graduate school, coming out with a 3.75 GPA! I'm very pleased! Our decision to move to Idaho has been the greatest blessing in our lives to this point. We have a three bedroom apartment that costs less than our tiny one back in California. The dogs have room to play. The dogs also like the attention they get from the little kids around the complex. It is nice to see so many kids playing outside! They even get along most of the time. 😜 Anyway, I'm out of school for the summer and am enjoying doing crafts for the time being. Here is my very first quilt top, using squares! I love the owls, and mom Northrup taught me it is fun to make patterns... This could become an expensive hobby! Here I used the extra to make a small baby-sized quilt that will fray nicely when it's washed. Flannel is wonderful that way. When school starts in August, I will be taking five classes! Thr...