So Close!

Life is getting super crazy right now! I've only got four weeks left of school, and will have one more week to get my paperwork in order from student teaching. I will be graduating on May 7th, and moving on May 14th (with a great deal of luck at this time!) into our very own home! Everything is falling into place. I have a job waiting for me, a new home, I'm finishing up my Master's Degree, I've been very blessed! I want to thank my wonderful husband, Larry, who's had my back this whole time. He has encouraged me and helped me through so much. Blood, sweat and tears have definitely gone into this degree... On a side note, between #LDSconf sessions, Larry, my sister-in-law and brother-in-law and I went to the Nampa train depot and took pictures of me for my graduation announcements. I found one that Larry took, that I just LOVE! Anyway, that's it for now... Gotta finish some other things! Update: 12-18-16 Not sure how this never got published, but here ya ...