COVID-19: Test Edition

(As seen on Facebook) Last Friday, I started having chest pain with a cough. I had to go out and get a couple things at the store and when I came home I was super tired. I climbed into bed and Larry asked me if I was okay. I told him I was just really tired. He wondered if I needed to go to the doctor to be tested for COVID-19, but we decided to wait it out. By Sunday I was feeling better, not 100% but better. I'd get tired and feel a little sore now and then, but just kept pushing through it. By yesterday, it was time to find out more. I had to get tested this morning for the coronavirus. This was an interesting experience to say the least! I made the appointment yesterday after taking an online assessment of symptoms. It highly recommended that I be tested because of my symptoms and that I'm diabetic, have asthma, and have psoriasis. I drive this morning to Ogden in order to do this test. I have to stay in my car. They have several workers in almost full ha...