
Showing posts from November, 2010

Legend of the Christmas Lizard

I put my few Thanksgiving decorations away this morning (after determining at about 7am that sleep just wasn't coming for this poor lady, that's right, I haven't slept...) and brought out some of my Christmas d ecorations. Among those things I brought in, was my Christmas Lizard necklace (beaded with pony beads many years ago!!). My nephew, Little Bear, immediately LOVED it! I looked at him and said, "I see that you, like many children before you, have found the joy that is the Christmas Lizard. Maybe I should write a Legend to go with it." So, without further ado, I give you my very own Legend. The Legend of the Christmas Lizard The Christmas Lizard is so named because of his beautiful colors of red and green, but this wasn’t always the case. The story goes that when the Christ Child was born and all the animals sought an audience with Him, the lizard was not allowed into the manger. It was thought that the lizard was too ugly to be allowed in ...


So I found this blog yesterday that did Turkey Waffles for breakfast... guess what our new tradition is?? Also, for Little Star's birthday, a good friend of ours gave her a homemade tutu: Good grief, she's adorable!!

Impromptu Surgery

So, my friend, Matt, came to look at my leg on Wednesday... I had squeezed a zit that had become SERIOUSLY ANGRY ! From across the room he sees it and says, "That's infected." and determined if I couldn't get the boil (yes, boil, aka staph infection!) to open on my own he'd bring his surgery bag. He had squeezed the absolute life out of my leg (mentioned I was gonna hate him) and told me to take a shower and try to get the scab off so peroxide could get in and do some magic. Well, after the hottest shower on my leg I was still nowhere near it opening. Cristy asked if I wanted her to squeeze and I decided to get Matt with his bag. At least it would be over and get to the healing part, right? He brought Lidocaine to numb, but I bent ALL FOUR needles with my skin! So, he asked if I wanted to go ahead or if he should get his BIG needles that he's never used, mentioning that it would hurt just as much to insert the big needle as it would to just do it......

Holy Cow!

What??? I have 6 followers now? Holy Cow! Thanks! I feel special! So, anyway, we had Little Star's birthday party on Saturday and it was SO fun! Wished more people would have come, but 6 out of 10 was good! My personal favorite part: The cupcakes!! I had SOOOO much fun decorating them! She loves Mario (well, actually, she loves Luigi!) right now, so that's what theme we went for. We've decided that every four years is a good time for a party, so it's not too expensive, and not too stressful for us! Anyway, take it easy and have a great day!