Impromptu Surgery

So, my friend, Matt, came to look at my leg on Wednesday... I had squeezed a zit that had become SERIOUSLY ANGRY! From across the room he sees it and says, "That's infected." and determined if I couldn't get the boil (yes, boil, aka staph infection!) to open on my own he'd bring his surgery bag. He had squeezed the absolute life out of my leg (mentioned I was gonna hate him) and told me to take a shower and try to get the scab off so peroxide could get in and do some magic. Well, after the hottest shower on my leg I was still nowhere near it opening. Cristy asked if I wanted her to squeeze and I decided to get Matt with his bag. At least it would be over and get to the healing part, right? He brought Lidocaine to numb, but I bent ALL FOUR needles with my skin! So, he asked if I wanted to go ahead or if he should get his BIG needles that he's never used, mentioning that it would hurt just as much to insert the big needle as it would to just do it... I told him (through BIG tears) to do it. A few minutes later it was done, oozing icky black chunks! I didn't watch any of it, but that's what he said (Cristy said it was awful and that she'd never seen anything like that come out of someone's body before!). I had taken a Vicodin at 8 or so and took another at around 9:15 or 9:30 before he went to cut. He packed the hole with a tiny bit of gauze soaked in a type of iodine and lightly bandaged it up. I was glad it was over, but the pain was horrible!

Skip ahead to now, and I can walk without using Dad's cane. There's still pain, but it's bearable! Matt said it's healing well, which I'm grateful for! He has truly been a blessing in our lives! I don't know what I'd have done without him.


  1. OMGoodness!!! I hope that you feel better! WOW! I have no words... lol. That's rare!


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