Life is Tough, But God is Tougher

Originally published on 04/11/2019

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted! Life has been crazy since about a year ago when my administrator from the school district informed me that my contract would not be renewed. If you recall, I tried teaching for VIPKID but that really didn't work out for me. I only taught a handful of trial classes (the parents didn't have to pay for those, so they could try VIPKID for free) and it just wasn't my favorite way to teach.

Then, I tried a couple of other options to make money, including selling on Amazon... Well, let's just say that trying to find reputable sources to purchase products from overseas is much more difficult than it should have been. I also tried Click Funnels, but it seems like all I was doing was promoting a funnel that didn't do anything but promote the funnel. It was weird and I determined it wasn't for me.
In August 2018, I found an insurance company that resonated with me. It's called Symmetry Financial Group, and they work with dozens of insurance companies to provide the best deals for clients. I signed up, only to realize there were a lot more start up costs than anyone led me to know about. I understand that owning your own business (the agents are considered self contractors) has costs involved, but when you're struggling to make ends meet, it's even harder to shell out money. Anyway, I made my first sale in October 2018 and felt really good about it. I managed to make all of my output to that point back on the commission. But then I had to keep buying leads so that I could have the resources available. It's a numbers game. The more people you contact, the better your chances of getting in the door. The more homes you get into and present information to, the more likely you'll make a sale.

Well, November came and went... no sales. December came and went... no sales, again. I had even applied to a variety of jobs available in the area so I could have some money to pay our bills, but nothing was forthcoming. I was also spending a lot of money on gas to help out our sister-in-law in getting to work. She helped out whenever she could, but it was a serious struggle! And all the while, I tried spending a little money here and there to purchase a few leads. It was very stressful, to say the least. We used my retirement fund money to take our North Carolina trip in November, because my mentors said it would help my business. Ultimately it did, and Larry and I had a wonderful time together. That is one thing that brings me pure joy: spending quality time with my husband! We love to travel.

The turn of the new year brought some more insurance sales for me, but I was getting to the point that I wasn't truly happy. I started to reflect on what was missing in my life. The answer was staring me right in the face: I'm happiest when I'm working with children. I tried convincing myself that I didn't want to go back to teaching in the classroom. However, one day I just started praying and it startled me that I was asking to get a teaching job. I knew there was no way to have a teaching position for the remainder of this school year, but I started thinking about all the things I would do if I got another position, and it excited me! For the first time in almost a year, I was excited about getting into the classroom again!
I told my mentors at Symmetry that I was going to look for work to get me through the summer, and hoped to have a teaching job for the fall. I haven't yet "quit" Symmetry, but I'm currently not producing with them either. I want to be able to write a couple of policies on Larry and I when money isn't so tight... So, I called two local Walmart stores back up from having applied in November or December to see if there were any positions available. One said no, another one said yes. I interviewed and got the job that day, trained the following week, and have been working there for about a month now. I'm a cashier, and have been enjoying it. I get to help customers, get to know the ins and outs of the company culture, and even get to earn money for the Grand Teton Council because I'm going to log my scouting volunteer hours and Walmart pays them for my help. Win-win!
In the process of trying to find another teaching position, I've placed applications all over Idaho, printed dozens of résumé packets and hand delivered to principals, and even had to begin looking out of state. I sent a bunch of résumé packets to principals in Utah and got several responses from them. I interviewed with one school on Monday April 8th, and have another interview on Tuesday April 16th. It's an easy drive down there. Next week we will be staying the night with Larry's aunt and uncle who live in the area because I don't have to work on Wednesday. I've been putting in long hours at Walmart, only to be putting in long hours of applying to school districts. Thankfully Utah uses one website and I can just put my information and documents in once, and apply with a few clicks of a button to each position I desire. That has made it much easier.
Larry is finishing up placing sticky tiles we bought late last year in the pantry/laundry room
With the prospect of possibly having to move yet again, Larry has been slowly finishing up the remodeling projects we've started on the house in order to have it ready to sell if needed. Each paycheck of mine will include some money set aside to help finish those projects, or replace something that needs fixed (such as the kitchen faucet, the garbage disposal, and the motherboard of the oven... don't ask!). Slowly but surely, each thing will be finished, and by the time fall comes, if I need to be in Utah for teaching, Larry will stay here in Idaho to finish and sell the house. We will purchase another home in Utah if and when the time comes.

General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was this past weekend. I was able to watch Saturday, but not Sunday as I had to work. I'm currently listening to all sessions. It amazes me just how much I get out of watching and listening, and how much some talks resonate and sound as if they were meant solely for me. God knows exactly what each of us is going through. He wants to help us, and He will help us. All we need to do is ask Him. He will answer our prayers in whatever way is best for us. God loves us and wants us to succeed. He knows our struggles. He knows our desires. He will help us through the tough times! Trust in Him always.


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