An Unexpected Journey

Originally published 05/19/2019

As you know by now, I've been looking for another teaching position for this Fall. This past year has been rather tough on me (and in all honesty, hard on Larry, too!). Our finances have been at rock bottom. Our tempers have been rather short at times. Our supply of food runs thin sometimes, too. With a lot of help from our Church and family, we've made it through some very rocky spots this year!

Green River, Wyoming
As you also know, I've been going all over creation for interviews for these jobs. We've been to Utah multiple times, and even had a trip to Wyoming recently... that was a crazy trip back in 60mph wind and torrential rains! On the way out of that particular interview, I knew that I wouldn't get that job. I didn't feel a connection to the people in the room. I was glad when I got the call that they had asked someone else to have the position.

Since that point, I was getting extremely discouraged. I'd been on all these interviews, spent money on gas, wear and tear on the already worn tires, and just had nothing to show for it. I determined that if these schools wanted an interview, they'd have to do it over the phone. And they have. I applied to a bunch more schools, both here in Idaho and more in Utah as they came available. I had some pretty good interviews, and others that I kind of knew were not for me.

On Friday May 17th, at 10am, I had yet another phone interview. This one was for a Charter School in Layton, Utah. The principal wanted to have more of a conversation instead of a typical interview. That was a nice change. He asked some questions, and as he thought of other questions, he'd ask those. I asked some questions as well, and got to just be myself. I know that if these people don't like me for who I really am, they aren't going to be fun to work with. After almost an hour on the phone with the principal and his RTI specialist, they told me that they still had a few interviews and would let me know if I am offered the job or not by Friday of next week.

At 12:47pm, literally less than two hours after getting off the phone, I got an email with a "Letter of Intent to Hire" for this school! I cried, Larry cried! I signed it and sent it back immediately! I also got a text from that principal a little later that told me, "Angie, This is (name), Principal at NDPA. We spoke earlier today. It was great speaking with you. I should wait for out HR department to send you an official letter; but I wanted to thank you for your time today and let you know we are very interested in future employment with us. Let me now if you have any further questions." I told him I had already sent back the letter of intent. And, since Larry and I will be down there on the 30th of this month, we are going to meet with them for a little bit in person. I hope I can get in to see my new room so I know what I have to work with and what I still need to purchase of my own.

Now the fun part begins... packing. Ugh! I don't like moving. I've done it most of my life. But, I know that this is for the best. I know this is where we are meant to be. I finally get my First Grade class! Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes twists and turns!


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