Wood Badge - Part 4

Originally published on 02/13/2018

On Day 3 of my Wood Badge Experience, the Bobwhite Patrol was in charge of the flag ceremony. This was a neat experience since I've never been involved in a flag ceremony before. The historical flag that we had to showcase was The Star Spangled Banner, which included 15 stars and 15 stripes. To learn more about this flag, please follow this link. After all three flags were on their respective poles, we sang our country's National Anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner".

One of the things we had to do today was set up a tent. They made it into a competition, and we were not the first ones done, but members of other Patrols came and helped everyone out as the finished their own tents. The is the basic Boy Scouts of America tent, from what I understand. It is also identical to what I slept in for the week. I am grateful that on day 2 I asked for a cot to sleep on, because the ground was just littered with tree roots... Not the most pleasant of sleeping arrangements in that regard! The cot was quite nice though in comparison. I really do enjoy camping out, and this week away from my husband was hard. Larry had forgotten his cell phone in the car and I had the car! Bummer! But, Wood Badge was an experience I will never forget and I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity.

The Troop Guides were busy having too much fun while we set up tents! :)

Some time later in the day, our Director, Ralph, placed a stuffed skunk on a remote controlled vehicle. Ralph is the admin for the Facebook Page Polecat Patrol. When I was added to the group, his profile picture was that of a small skunk. I have very much enjoyed being a member of the Polecat Patrol page and learning all sorts of fun things to do with the scouts. While I was at Porter's store in Rexburg one day before Wood Badge, I found a small dice game with skunks on them! I couldn't help but purchase them for my Director! He thought they were super cute!

That afternoon, it rained pretty hard. When we came back from lunch, it was time to watch a movie. The staff had popped popcorn and always had candy at the ready. It was a relaxing afternoon, watching the movie and listening to the rain. Then we were allowed to sort of be on our own. Since we were up at the Island Park Scout Camp, families were all there together. Kids were doing activities while adults learned various scouting things. I learned how to make a hammock for less than $10 by my Director, but had to leave before he was done. I had learned there was to be a flag retirement ceremony that evening and very much desired to go. It took me forever to find it because I went the round-about way of getting there... I truly am my mother's daughter! Anyway, there were several "guests" who spoke to those in attendance, one of whom was the man who started Cedar Badge for the youth. I actually got to participate in the retirement of one of three flags that evening, and I must say that if you ever get the chance to participate, do it! It was an amazing, humbling experience! I was also given one of the grommets from the burned flags and have it on my scout uniform to remind me of it.

I came to hold a greater love for our country's flag that day. I appreciate the freedoms I enjoy because of the sacrifice of others. I do not take for granted the things I learned, the people I love, and this great country I live in.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3



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