Post-Op Update

Originally published on 01/27/2018.

Since my hysterectomy almost 6 weeks ago, I have felt some soreness, as is normal. I had to take the Norco and Ibuprofen as a piggy-back option, Norco the first four-6 hours, then the Ibuprofen the next time I needed pain meds because Norco tends to make me sick to my stomach. It worked very well for me for about two weeks, when I got a little nauseous after Norco, so I went to only using the Ibuprofen as needed. I had two full weeks off of work, which was great. I probably should have taken a few more days, but I didn't. I have two amazing aides in my classroom that did most of the work for me that I typically did. That made it much easier to get myself back into the swing of things.
I was exhausted those first few days. I felt really good by the first weekend, and did too much standing. I paid for that mistake with lots of pain the next day. Lesson learned, I decided to still sit more than stand, walk around a little at a time, and gradually gained strength and stamina. As I went back to work, I got easily tired again. But, as I added a little more and more, the strength came, the stamina came. I could walk a little more, a little faster.

Today, I still have a little bit of pain in the belly incision, but that is more to be expected because as the doctor was taking the clamp off after he was done, it sliced me a little. Everything has healed up well, it appears. I go see the doctor for my 6 week follow up on January 31st. I'm taking the whole day off work because Larry also has to see the eye doctor that day. We will be able to have a nice lunch date, and maybe I can convince him to take me to the Rexburg, ID LDS Temple. It has been ages since we've gone to the temple!
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