My Baby Girl

Originally published on 07/13/2019

To say that I miss my dog, Patches, is an understatement. Larry got her for me when she was just 8 weeks old back in 2012. She's been my buddy since that moment. I would come home from work and she would be waiting for me. Larry would tell me she would perk her ears up with the sound of every car outside. In California, we would go for walks around the block. She loved going on walks! We took her and Puddles with us when we rode with my sister-in-law and her kids from California up to Idaho and back. From the moment Patches got out of the van when we got home, she hated riding in the car. She got to where she would tolerate it, but it was never something she enjoyed.
When she was a puppy, her ears weren't sure if they were going to stick straight up, flop over forwards, flop backwards, or do a combination of all! I'm glad they finally flopped forward. When she would run, her little ears would just flap! It was so cute!

This is Patches and me at Larry's graduation. I trained her to be a service dog for my diabetes, but it got to the point that she couldn't hold her bladder for long periods of time. I wasn't able to bring her into stores any longer, but I had to bring her to see her daddy's graduation from Colorado State University - Global Campus.

She had the cutest way of telling me she needed to go outside! If I can find the video I will update this post to include it.

She was a mix of Jack Russell Terrier, Shih Tsu, and Chihuahua. She had a cute rotund, roly poly look about her, and short legs. She needed a ramp to get on the bed, and help getting up onto the couch or other tall surfaces. Then she would snuggle down next to me or Larry.

I miss walking in the door from work or running errands and seeing her cute face at the end of the bed, wiggling her cute little butt. I miss snuggling with her after a rough day. I miss hearing her bark when someone knocks or rings our doorbell. I miss her terribly. But I also know that Cushings Disease is horrible. Tumors growing inside her body, making her gain weight, have trouble breathing. Making it so she couldn't walk the few blocks down the road without multiple stops so she could see her best friend at the local drug store (he gave her treats). Making her start having seizures. Seeing that look in her eyes, telling me she hurts, and it's all she could do to get down off the bed some days down the ramp to eat, drink, or use the bathroom. It killed me knowing she was in pain. So I had to make the hardest decision ever, and have her put down.

Our local animal shelter handled us with kid gloves as we once again had to put a beloved member of our family down. I picked up her remains today. I love you, Patches! RIP My Baby Girl!


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