Life in Utah

Our Idaho Home

Quick note: When I have access to all of my photos, I will update all the blog posts that have missing photos in them! Ugh! I hate moving! ;)

Having had to move away from our cute little home in Idaho, I find myself once again living in the busy city. The area we are living in now feels much like Southern California, with all the people, cars, etc. I miss the smell of the crisp morning mountain air. I miss being able to breathe easily. My asthma has come back, but I've been able to find an essential oil that works better than the inhalers used to. doTerra has an oil called Breathe, and it works like magic!

My first graders are super fun to be around. I remind myself often that while I'm feeling a bit crazy at their behaviors, they are only 6 and 7 years old, so they need to be taught things that I take for granted in older children. I've changed my room around several times this year in order to find something that works well for me, and I think I've finally found it. Every student has their own desk now so I don't have to hand out scissors or glue sticks any longer. I have to watch them a bit more closely and remind them every couple of days about what they are allowed to cut and when, but they don't get out of their seats near as often as they did at the beginning of the year.

My teaching partner is from Spain. She's a fantastic lady that has helped me get on track this year. She's the one that got me in touch with the essential oil, and has recently gotten me drinking medical grade water: Kangen Water. Ever heard of it? Me either. But, it's been a great health benefit for me. I will be purchasing one of their water machines next month, and changing our diet a little bit at a time so it doesn't feel like I'm going on a diet. Know what I mean?! I'll share more about Kangen Water in a different post.

Larry and I are going to California for the Christmas break, at least for part of it anyway. I'm glad to be going for a visit with my mom again. We last saw her last year in June, after our epic Disneyland trip. My mom is super excited that we're coming for Christmas. It's been a long time since we've spent Christmas together. I want to make M&M cookies before we go, since she tells me that her oven isn't that great. I'm glad we bought a new car recently so that we can be sure that the car will make the trip. Our previous car had what we think was a dead cylinder. Kept getting harder and harder to be sure it was going to start and keep running. One thing I love about our 2019 Ford Escape is that we can put the back seats all the way down and sleep in the back for a few nights. Hello, family reunion!

So, what are your plans for the holidays? Will you be traveling? Staying home? Let me know in the comments below!


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