Mesa Falls, Idaho

Originally Published on 02/01/2018

Larry and I took a little road trip in August 2017. I had never seen Mesa Falls and wanted to spend some quality time with Larry before heading back into the classroom later that month. I love having time in the summer to spend with him and this trip did not disappoint! The picture located above is of Lower Mesa Falls. The short walk from our car to this lookout was just a few minutes and well worth the view. On our drive into the area, we came across a bunch of youth on bicycles, trudging uphill. Some of them looked quite tired!

This is the view from our lookout point, facing away from the Falls. It looks like a never-ending expanse of trees. I love living in Idaho. The absolute beauty here astounds me all the time. Most of my "growing up" years were spent in Southern California. It is pretty there in the desert, but I forgot how much I loved the mountains. My childhood was spent in Colorado. I continually told my mom that I would never go back to living in the snow... Then I met a pretty cute fellow who got me into Boise State University... But that, dear friends, is another blog post! Anyway, while we were here at the lookout point, a bunch of the bicyclists made their way over. It turns out they were on a High Adventure Scout trip clear from Shelley, ID... That is a long way away! I tip my hat off to those Scouts!

Along another pathway were many shrubs and flowers. The bees appeared to be loving this, and gave me hope that there will be enough bees to pollinate everything that needs it. The bees are so important to us having the food we need.

I loved this pretty flowering shrub. Purple is my favorite color, and pink is right there next to it, so this mix of the two caught my eye. I believe in the "Leave No Trace" principles, or in other words, "Take only pictures, leave only footprints." I hope to save as many natural resources as possible for future generations to enjoy.

When we got through wandering around, Larry and I took to the new pathway to view Upper Mesa Falls. What an incredible sight! The rushing water over the Falls was so calming to me. I love listening to water... in California, I spent time living in a 5th wheel trailer. When the rains would come, listening to it fall on the tin roof would lull me to sleep. I love the sounds. Here in Eastern Idaho, our tin roof car port reminds me of that time I spent in the trailer. It wasn't the best of times, but it wasn't all bad, either. I won't go into details here, at least not in this post.

This is a view of the Upper Mesa Falls. The absolute power behind all that water is astounding! The rainbow in the background only add to the beauty of this serene landscape. I was so happy to be spending time with the love of my life here. Have you ever noticed that traveling around with another person always seems more enjoyable?

And there he is, my rock in the storm of life, my eternal companion. I love this man more than words can express. He is my light in the darkness. He has helped me through some very difficult times in my life. I cannot imagine my life without him in it. We enjoy so many of the same things, including foods, movies, photography, pets, and more. I hope to spend many more adventures with this guy by my side.


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