What is PMDD??
It’s been a little while since my last blog post, and I’ve been going through some really tough stuff of late. I had to go see a “lady” doctor on the 1st to discuss a very sensitive-to-me topic with him: I have PreMenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) and cannot take it anymore. I have symptoms that begin 7-10 days before my cycle starts and I’m running like clockwork: every 29 or 30 days. These symptoms are much more severe than your average PMS symptoms. I never realized just how bad the symptoms were getting until last year during the late summer months, Larry looked at me after I had yelled at our cats for something stupid, and said, “What’s wrong with you??” I realized in that moment that something was truly wrong and I needed to figure out what it was. Lots of research led me to learning about PMDD and light bulbs went on. By early October, I had the diagnosis. PMDD is what I “lovingly” call PMS on Crack because it is life-altering for those days leading up to and into the fir...