The Grieving Process
Denial and Isolation Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance These are the five basic stages of grief. The five stages listed do not necessarily happen in that particular order, but most people will traverse each one. I bring this up because of my recent trip to Florida to visit my dad in the hospital. The grief I feel is at his having a terminal illness, Multiple Myeloma. There is no cure, but it can be treated. I feel the need to write my grief to help myself heal, so I hope you will bear with me. When I first heard that my dad was in the hospital, I was okay. Tabitha was getting him the medical attention he finally deserved. Something was wrong and the doctors at Bay Medical were determined to find out the root cause of everything. He had pneumonia, and was not doing great. He had multiple breaks and fractures in his spine that were discovered. He was anemic. His calcium and protein levels were high. All of these things added up to the doctors looking into Multiple Myeloma. W...