Summer 2015

It's been an eventful summer so far! Back in June, Larry and I went to his parents' house and stayed for a week. We only had to come back because he had a doctor appointment, otherwise we would have stayed another few days.

This is my wonderful mother-in-law drinking from the hose!
Even Patches loves vacation! See that big smile?
We spent the 4th of July at my sister-in-law's home, playing Wii Bowling.

Just waiting for some firework action!

One of the many fireworks we did.

I went with my SIL to get this cutie; this is the trip back.

I went with my sister-in-law to pick up her granddaughter and a few days later to take her home. I really enjoyed the trip, even though it was 4 hours each way! It was just really nice to get time to spend with her, getting to know each other better. I love my husband's family and am so grateful to be part of it! The morning of the trip to take little missy back home, we found out that Larry's Aunt Pennie passed away. She had been in the hospital, and had contracted bacterial pneumonia. On top of everything else, her body just could not handle it. My SIL and I were planning on a trip to see her after dropping off the little missy, but didn't need to make that trip after all. Larry and I went over for the funeral though. It was a lovely service!

While we were out of town both times, a friend of mine and her son took care of my garden. It is growing so big! My tomato plants are looking well. The onions didn't make it, and I think the peas are pretty much dead (it's too hot...), but the cucumbers are going wild now, and the pumpkins and zucchini are getting ready to start producing... I hope!

Very soon, Larry and I will be able to make another trip, this time to Island Park for a family reunion. We will have our own car this time, so we will be able to go over to Yellowstone and have fun. I'm looking forward to getting away again. This trip will be more camping, because we will be sleeping on the family lot in our big tent. We have most of what we need, but still need to get some propane for our camp stove thingy, and for a lantern. I love camping! :)

Well, fall semester starts up late next month. The Autism class I had hoped to take is being cancelled due to low enrollment. Boo!! I'm trying to see if I can take a workshop instead then, which is only 8 weeks, but makes up the credits I need. I also realized again that when I graduate next May, it will have been 20 years since I graduated from high school! WOW! Time sure flies! I'll save those thoughts however, for another blog!


  1. Thanks Angie for all the great news of happenings in your life. Sounds like life has given you a full bucket.... God Bless.
    Your cousin Lloyd


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