Fall Semester 2015

I am currently four weeks into the Fall semester at Boise State University. The first two weeks were spent in Florida with my family. I wish it was to say that it was for fun... My dad went into the hospital and when things weren't looking too good, I was on the next flight out of Boise. Four plane rides later I got to Florida. We were able to surprise him though, so that was a major bonus. :)
Daddy's idea: Gators (Minnie) vs Seminoles (Tabitha) with the Tater (Me) as referee!

This trip was much different than the one I made there in 2006. I had never met my dad's other three kids, so that trip was more of a getting-to-know-you kind of trip, and I hadn't seen my dad since 1982 - I was only four years old so I had no memories of him, only pictures.
I love this guy!

The trip I made this year had lots of good points though. I got to spend more time with my sisters, and daddy called us the "Three Musketeers" because of our giggly shenanigans. :) We had gone out to eat at Outback one night, and our waitress had an arrow tattoo. The premise behind it is thus: "For anyone searching to depict a positive outlook on life, an arrow tattoo can be a great place to start. An arrow being pulled back on the bow can depict life dragging someone down, whereas the arrow being released propels them straight ahead into something new and positive. With that being said, an arrow can only shoot forward by being pulled back, so only by going through dark times can you push yourself to better ones." We all loved this and decided to get one for ourselves, and Tabitha came up with the idea of three simple words: #KeepMovingForward and it has become our motto. We know that God is in control, and we know that daddy being in the hospital is not the best of circumstances, but everything happens for a reason.

When the definitive diagnosis came, it was Multiple Myeloma - bone marrow/plasma cancer. We decided to finish the ink we began the week before, and not until we were sitting in Creative Images Tattoos to have the tattoos finished did we all agree on how to finish. Burgundy(ish) ribbon with a dog tag with Daddy and his first tour dates in Vietnam. This cancer is mainly caused by the Agent Orange that was so widely sprayed during the Vietnam War.

 My brother and I waiting for the doctor that never came...

My sisters and I had shirts made: "I Wear This Ribbon for my Hero" 
and has "Spike" on the burgundy ribbon.

My dad requested my mom to come out, so she hopped on a plane from California up to Boise, where she and Larry left on a three-day road trip across country and got to spend some quality time with each other. My mom is still currently helping out my dad. :)
The girls and I took my mom and Larry to the beach... Yes, my mom is playing in the sand!
Our Selfie

Larry was grateful to be able to meet my family, since the only person on my side he'd ever met was my mom. I still had a lot of homework to do, even though there was only one main class to focus on, but it felt like a mountain because of the stress I was under having dad in the hospital. I rekindled my love for sweet tea and have been able to recreate it perfectly! Must be that Southern Girl in me (I was born in Florida after all!)...

(I know this post is a little haphazard, but hey, it's "My Life According to Me", right?!)

I didn't want to , but I had to get back home so I could get schoolwork done as well as get back to working. Larry and I took our time driving back to Idaho, playing tourist a little bit here and there. We went to Graceland, though we didn't take the tour because the dogs didn't have service dog vests at the time so were not allowed in. We got to go into the gift shop though, and that was cool. :) We also stopped in Independence, Missouri at the Visitor's Center. If we'd had more time, we would have gone to some of the surrounding areas and seen the sights there as well (Liberty Jail among them!). Next time for sure. :) It was a great bonding experience for Larry and I though, driving across the country. It was the first time he'd ever done that kind of trip, and he'd never taken any kind of driving trip with his previous wives, so we really enjoyed it!

Independence, Missouri Visitor's Center

"The Archway" in Nebraska

What really hit me though, was that I have had so little time with my dad. *sigh* I am glad to be home, but part of my heart was left in Florida this time. I love my family, and am grateful for the knowledge that I have that families are eternal and that no matter what happens in the future, if I keep moving forward and endure to the end, I will see my family again, whether here or beyond the veil has yet to be determined.


  1. So your Dad "Stole" my nickname. LOL When he and I were growing up I was the one called "Spike".

    Uncle Joe


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