Two Weeks
In just over two weeks, I'll be going to Colorado to visit my aunt, cousin and mom. My mom still has no idea that I'm coming, which greatly pleases my aunt and I! My cousin is excited for my trip, and has done an AWESOME job at keeping it secret!
I have tickets for "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" - the midnight showing tomorrow night!!! I'm super excited! It will be the first midnight showing I've ever been to... as well as going with my friend, Matt! I didn't want to go alone, so I enticed him to come with me! It should be loads of fun!
My sister and her little family have the "bug" that's going around. I had it Saturday and Sunday, MommaLady had it on Sunday, Dad has it today... not terrible, just uncomfortable. Little Star threw up in the middle of the night, so I got a phone call from my sister this morning asking if I'd do the laundry that was the result of said ickness. She told me she didn't know how to repay me, but I came up with an idea - a new Harry Potter shirt for the new movie! If she feels better later today or tomorrow, we will head across the street to the mall and into Hot Topic! Yeah!
We went to the San Diego Zoo on Saturday, just my sister, Little Star and me, as the Handsome White Knight had to work. It was pretty fun, just lots of
hills to push that stroller... ugh! The flamingo looked like he was just waiting for his photo to be taken! And the polar bear was playing with the ball by throwing it against the glass! The
hippo is over 7,000 pounds! Big boy!
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