
Well, I'm looking forward to Halloween, as it's my second favorite holiday! I can't put any of my stuff out, as it's all packed away at the moment, but that's irrelevant and immaterial, right!?

I'm currently in Mission Viejo, helping my seester out - she has training and can't get the kids from school in the afternoons, so she picked me up yesterday. I love my niece, The Dancer, and my nephew very much, and it's fun to be around them. I also get to go shopping for her, which is one of my passions! Especially with other people's money! Haha!

On a very happy note, the bank only has to accept the offer that The Princess and The Handsome White Knight have put in on a castle, and we can all move in by next month! Yay!! I'm living on their couch right now, so things are a little cramped, but we're doing REALLY well! I'm surprised that we have done this well...

Anyway, there is a rather funny site that The Dancer told me about! http://mylifeisaverage.com Check it out if you need a good laugh! Well, I'm off to write in my journal and then to bed. Gotta get up early and get The Dancer off to school!


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