Guess I should write something! I now have two followers on my blog! Hmmm... I am saddened by today's court ruling on Proposition 8. I have had the opportunity to vote on this very issue 4 times in 2 states and am tired of hearing that it is "unconstitutional" for whatever reason they deem necessary. I am also sad to hear that Massachusetts has already ruled that the Federal "Defense of Marriage Act" that was put into place MANY years ago is also illegal somehow. I think that the Supreme Court is going to have to make a stand at this point one way or the other. The people tell the states what they want, and the courts decide it's wrong. What has this country come to???

I've been following a lot of homeschooling blogs and have come to a decision that I will probably homeschool my children (when I get to that point in my life that is). With the way schools are these days, I see too many children fall behind because they can't get that one-on-one (or heck, small group) attention to see how well they are doing. Teachers must teach "to the test" and that's not how children learn best. It's been a hard decision for me, as I believe that what my LDS children can give to the community is better for the people around them, but when children come last to how much money the school can get for better test scores, I cannot condone it. I never believed I'd be someone to stand and say, "Yes, I homeschool my children." But, with the way the system works right now, it's got to be that way.

The weather has turned sticky hot again, so I'm moving my "bed" downstairs for a while again. I have a box of things (journal, coloring, Primary lesson stuff...) to keep me busy. I'll be grateful when school starts up again in a couple of weeks, just so I can "hope" I get a subbing job. *sigh*

Anyway, hope all is well for everyone in my life. I'm waiting for the phone call from a member of the Stake Presidency to say I'm next... that's another story for another day.


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