
It's been ages since I've posted anything about my life...

Let's see:
July 2012 saw me making peg dolls for the reunion that my hubby and I went to. We bought our Ford Thunderbird (not a wise choice, but one that we've lived with since then). We rode with my sister-in-law, 4 kids, and our two dogs up to Idaho for the reunion. All in all we did well, but we were very glad to get home. I got to meet the in-laws and am so very happy to be part of this wonderful family!

August 2012 - On the 18th, Larry and I spent half the day in the county hospital because of nausea and back pain the day before: by 1am that morning I was throwing up. I had a nasty kidney infection and needed a diagnosis with a doctor on follow-up for diabetes. I made Heidi's girls each a crocheted blanket for Christmas. Dad Northrup had a quadruple bypass.

September 2012 - sigh. The T-Bird's power steering pump went out this month, after Larry replaced brakes and other things in August.

October 2012 - I helped our Primary put on their program and they did SUCH a wonderful job! The kids sang beautifully!

November 2012 - My doctor gave me an urgent referral to see the eye clinic because of the diabetes. I've had it for at least ten years unchecked, and it's done horrible damage to my eyes and feet. Larry and I celebrated our first anniversary. I found myself in the hospital emergency room because my doctor tried a new medication, Glyburide, and it lowered my blood sugar REALLY fast! So, that medicine was stopped immediately. Poor Larry had to call 911 because I had collapsed to the floor, still conscious, but very scared.

December 2012 - Christmas was enjoyable! I got a purple piccolo from my niece, snowman fleece blanket, dark chocolate covered cherries, and a gold heart necklace from Larry, a picture of Mom and Dad White and gift card to Applebee's from Heidi's family and a gift card to the movies from Mom and Cristy (we saw "The Hobbit" and loved it!!). We also got a homemade Christmas Tree Skirt from Larry's Dad and Stepmom. Gorgeous! We did Sealings in the Redlands Temple for many of my kindred dead, including my Grandparents! :)

January 2013 - Saw the eye doctor, and was told the blood vessels aren't bleeding into my eyes and that I'm not "growing" new vessels, so I don't need surgery, but she wants me back there in September instead of a full year to make sure I don't need surgery. I decided I wanted to get my Master's Degree in Early Childhood, but was having trouble finding schools that offer it. Larry suggested Boise State University, and low and behold, they have one, but it's not just early childhood, it's also Special Education! Double win!

February 2013 - I began babysitting for a friend's two boys. The opportunity fell into my lap early one morning and has been good for Larry and I. The money isn't much, but it helps us get things that are needed. We are also saving some of it so we can move to Idaho. I got accepted to the University and have to wait to find out if I am accepted into the Master's Program.

March 2013 - The apartments we live in got new owners and management... NOT GOOD! That's all I'm going to say about that. I helped Cristy host a Jewelry Bar for a company called Origami Owl. They have clear glass lockets that open up so you can put tiny charms inside to "tell your story". Very neat! For my birthday and for helping her host, Cristy bought me my own locket and chain. I decided that I wanted in on the opportunity to sell the jewelry as well, just need the money in which to do so. My Cristy also had to go away for a few days, not fun! I turned 35 and am happy to be me: Wife, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Great-Aunt, Daughter of God. I hosted my own Jewelry Bar at the end of the month.

April 2013 -I found some super cute owl stickers and got to play with Casey at Ross; she found a peacock journal that she fell in love with. I also found that Michaels had their necklace busts on sale and purchased some for my Origami Owl business. I opened up a checking account to use for my business and held a second jewelry bar to generate some more interest in friends and family. When I got on the wait list, my number was 13,932. There was also a freeze on allowing more Designers in for an undetermined length of time! I made some cute pens: wrapped owl ribbon and hot glued feathers to the top. They are very cute!

May 2013 - I managed to get pink eye and a nasty sickness run through my body, couldn't get in to see my doctor for at least two weeks, so a doctor friend came over and gave a prescription for what I needed. Praise his name forever! :) I told my four young nieces in the area that I could use their help in starting my business and in exchange for them working, they would earn a medium locket and chain, and four charms. They are all so very excited! We got my pooch fixed.

June 2013 - The month started off with Jury Duty! It was a very interesting process, and I was chosen to be part of the jury, and was then chosen to be foreman. It was a domestic violence case, lasted four days total, and I am happy to say I would be willing to do it again. On June 17th, Bella Weems, founder of Origami Owl, turned 17. So, for her "Golden Birthday", she gave everyone a present: a wave of 1,700 Designers got their invites! It was very exciting! So my number became 12,181. Every week since then, a wave of 2,000 has gone out.

July 2013 - Origami Owl held their first-ever National Convention! I really wish I'd had the money to go. My mom offered to drive, but unless we had someone in Phoenix, AZ to stay with, there wasn't a snowball's chance of going this year. I've made some awesome changes in my life and I'm grateful to my Heavenly Father for putting challenges in my arena, not that I want more, but I come out "Changed" on the other side. I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful dogs that are my life and joy. I'm going back to school in a year, we're moving to Idaho at the end of this year, I'm starting my own business next month! My goals are being reached, and for that I owe my Heavenly Father everything! God bless each and every one of you.


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