My Daughter

EDITED: This young lady no longer accepts me as a mom, or even a friend. :(

For those of you that are close to me, you probably already know that Larry and I are unable to have kids. I've wanted children from the time I was young. I wanted six kids! As time moved on and I wasn't married, but was helping other people with their own children, I thought I could handle four. No more than that. ;) I turned 25 and still no hubby, and decided that maybe three kids was all I could handle. By the time 30 came around, my max number of kids I wanted was 2! Make it twins, and I'll be good to go! I realize now that one child is all I really want, and I don't want an infant. I don't have the patience for a baby anymore, and I'm okay with that. I wished for a child I could call my own.

Larry started a group on Facebook called Troubled Teens. He's always wanted to help wayward youth find their way back into society. A young girl by the name of Lili requested to be part of this group. She said it showed up on her suggestions. Larry began talking with Lili and finding out more about her. Shortly thereafter, I befriended her and we would talk over Facebook for long periods of time. She had been adopted from Norway, and then her adopted mother died in March of this year. She seemed to be getting into trouble all of the time, living with her adult adoptive sister. She no longer lives there at this time. Lili has made some fabulous changes in her life. She no longer looks to drugs or alcohol to get through her day. And she has come to call me "Mom". :) We have become very close. I love her dearly!

Larry and I are going to become foster/adoptive parents when we get to Idaho (can't do it here in CA because we cannot afford a two bedroom apartment), and want very much to have Lili in our home. She also has expressed a desire to be with us. Larry and I feel very good about this decision. So, if you see my Origami Owl Locket I have for family, and (soon) see a little girl charm with an October birthstone, you know why! Lili is my daughter from another mother and I love her!


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