My Final Semester!

I can hardly believe it's my final semester at Boise State University! I've been monumentally blessed these last few years. I owe that in part to my Wonderful husband, Larry. He has been my champion all throughout!

I decided last month that I would write letters to the principals of each elementary school in eastern Idaho so I could get my name recognized. I didn't think anyone would respond. I sent them out on Friday, and on Monday morning I received an email from one of them asking for an interview! Within the next few days, he told me of a job fair for their district on February 6th, and I made an appointment. Thursday that same week, I got an early morning phone call from a guy in a separate district willing to drive to Boise to interview me! I pretty much had heart palpitations the rest of the day! I agreed to meet up with him the same day as the job fair.

So, February 6th rolls around and I go into my appointment at the job fair. First up, an interview with the Special Education Director of the district! No pressure! I'm prepared for this (not!), make my way through, and mention at the end that the first principal wished to meet with me. A little over an hour later, I finally get to meet with him. The only question he asks me, was about my classroom management. I hit on his hot-button issue: Response to Intervention! He told me of his plans for revamping their RTI for next school year, then asked me my thoughts. I honestly told him it sounded great, because it involves the children staying in the class and the SpEd teachers/paras coming into the class and running small groups. Love it! He then asked, "What would it take to get you back over here to meet my first grade teachers?" He will call when he can nail down a date this month!

The other interview, with the principal of the school and the guy who does the hiring for the district, was over lunch. We chatted about a variety of things, and they only needed to ask a few extra questions, since I pretty well hit on everything they wanted to know. They also want me to come and visit the school site and facilities. :) The hiring man told the waitress, "We're trying to recruit her. But, your district is also trying to recruit her!" I told them I would love to see the school, and would be in contact when I hear from the other principal (even if I'd rather work as a first grade teacher!). The school has a huge amount of sensory rooms, a climbing wall, visual sensory, and an indoor playground!

Hoping that I hear from the one principal soon, so I can make the trip once more and maybe even come home with a job for this fall!!! I start my student teaching next month, and will then graduate in May! Time is flying by... But it's totally worth the knowledge that I've gained!


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