Good Heavens...!

I didn't realize it's been SOOOO long since I've posted anything about my life... Sheesh!

May 2016 I graduated from Boise State University with my Master's Degree in Early Childhood Studies, and a teaching certificate in Early Childhood Special Education. Larry and I then moved to Eastern Idaho where we bought a cute little home that we both love! It's a 1910 cottage and is perfect for our needs. The dogs love having a fenced-in back yard that they can run around in and bark at all the people and cats that go by.

In June 2016 we adopted a pregnant cat (so that we could have her fixed after the kitties were born and weaned). Her name is Cookie and we kept two of the six kittens. Squeaker is calico, and Marco Polo II is a huge fluffy white cat with some black markings. Pennie Sue still doesn't get along with Cookie, but we all make do...

I managed to survive my first year of teaching special education preschool and loved it! I'm in my second year now, and am grateful to currently be on potato harvest break for two weeks. I think I can get caught up on everything that got set aside for too long... Maybe?

Last month, I attended Wood Badge Leadership Training, and let me tell you it was fantastic!! I learned so much about myself, about scouts, and about being a great leader. Everyone should attend. Also, Bobwhites are the best! ;) Our Bobwhite Patrol was a team from day 1 and that's the way it should be. We looked out for each other, helped each other, and enjoyed being together. We renamed one of the campsites from Buckskin Hill to Dingy-Flitchit Flats. I honestly think they should name a new campsite for us! Haha! I had always called the top knot on a quail a dingy-flitchit, so when I found out that was our patrol, the term became ours. We also placed several dingy-flitchits around camp. We made Bobwhites cool! :)

Larry has just gotten back from his course of Wood Badge yesterday and is an Eagle. He learned a lot and came home with a renewed Scout Spirit. I'm grateful for that because he will be more involved with our Webelos Den now and we will support each other more in this endeavor. I'm so proud of him and what he is doing with his life. He just started going back to school to complete his Bachelor's Degree in Communication. Good luck, my love!

We have remodeled our closet and the spare room to become a library. Lath and plaster walls are no fun, but we are slowly making them upgraded to sheet rock. We also have better insulation, none of that blown in yucky stuff where we upgraded the walls. Lots of changes to make, but little bits at a time help make it what we want. :)

Well, I think that's all the big stuff that's happened. Maybe my next post won't be so long in the making...


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