Life in Utah

Our Idaho Home Quick note: When I have access to all of my photos, I will update all the blog posts that have missing photos in them! Ugh! I hate moving! ;) Having had to move away from our cute little home in Idaho, I find myself once again living in the busy city. The area we are living in now feels much like Southern California, with all the people, cars, etc. I miss the smell of the crisp morning mountain air. I miss being able to breathe easily. My asthma has come back, but I've been able to find an essential oil that works better than the inhalers used to. doTerra has an oil called Breathe, and it works like magic! My first graders are super fun to be around. I remind myself often that while I'm feeling a bit crazy at their behaviors, they are only 6 and 7 years old, so they need to be taught things that I take for granted in older children. I've changed my room around several times this year in order to find something that works well for me, and I think I...